Monday, April 23, 2012

Jackson Moose Lodge Flea Market April 21 - 22

A late minute add to our events, and it was such a last-minute-add, that there was some confusion on the dates of this event.  However, Aaron Childs, Tony Moore, and Bob Kreger brought their tractors out and had a fun weekend.  The flea market was to help raise funds for the Moose Lodge so that they could purchase new tables and chairs for their bingo hall.  While the weather was cold on Saturday, the crowds were good and constant through out the day.  We were in a very good spot: the edge of the parking lot in front of the flea market proper.  Lots of people were looking at the tractors and asking us about the club.  Luckily, Tony had made up a new batch of brochures that week to pass out to everyone who stopped by our table.
WKHM was out to do a remote from the location, and Aaron was even on the air briefly to promote the club.  Gary Childs showed up later on and Tony and him eventually went and brought up Gary's John Deere BR to add to the tractor display.  A little later in the afternoon, Aaron and Tony went on a joy ride by the fair grounds and then down North Street before finishing up back at the Moose Lodge.  The sight of them on the tractors turned a few heads as you can imagine.

Sunday was a bit colder than Saturday.  The Moose graciously treated us to a wonderful all-you-can-eat breakfast (every Sunday between 9 and noon, for $5.50, by the way!).  Afterwards, with our bellies full, we were itching to go for a ride.  The crowds were small at this point, so Aaron, Bob, and Tony fired up the toys and took children, vendors, and even Moose members on rides around the parking lot.

Thanks once again to the Jackson Moose Lodge for having us out for their first flea market of the year.  We had a great time, and appreciated the opportunity and commendatory.  Even though having us out there was short notice, the effort they put in to make us feel welcome was really cool. We'll certainly have more tractors out there for their final flea market in October.  And you can bet we'll have a great turn out next spring for the first Moose Lodge flea market of 2013, too!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Napoleon Feed Mill Grand Re-Opening April 14th

The weather was a little rainy and overcast most of the day.  However, we had a good time getting our tractors out for the first time this year.  We had 13 tractors at the feed mill, with several club members coming out tractor-free and just joining us in the fun.  Just after lunch we fired up the machines and had a little "drive-about" through Napoleon, then circled back in to the Feed Mill.  The customers coming and going out the mill sure got a kick out of our procession as we passed.  It was a good time, and a good way for us to kick off what's going to be a busy, yet fun filled, season.

Here's a couple of videos we took.  First is Gary Childs unloading his 1936 John Deere 'A' before the event.  He makes it look pretty easy, doesn't he?

Club Treasurer Denis Heckaman gave Gary a helping hand, and unloaded this 1943 John Deere 'BR'.  You can tell Denis has done this a time or two, can't you?

As you can see in this picture and video clip, W4 Country's Tyler Crawford was out doing a remote broadcast at the Feed Mill.  We got him up on Bob Kreger's 1945 John Deere 'A' and took him for a ride as he was live on the air on his cell phone during his remote.  We all enjoyed it, and Tyler's now a fan of antique tractors.